Senior Pastor Transition

Updates & News

At GRLC, we are embarking on an important journey of transition together. The leadership at GRLC are committed to providing valuable information and insights to guide our church family through this pivotal season. The information below will be kept up to date to give you some insights into the journey so far, next steps, and answer questions that may come to mind.

We welcome your contribution. Please send questions and feedback to [email protected].

Meet the Church Leadership Team (CLT)
Meet the Pastoral Selection Team (PST)
Jump to the transition plan graphic
Jump to the Frequently Asked Questions

23 March 2025

The Pastor Selection Team (PST) provided an update on Sunday, including dates for our congregation to review, pray and provide feedback on the draft Senior Pastor Profile. Please take note of the meeting dates and times below.

NOTE: The draft Senior Pastor Profile will be emailed to GRLC Partners this week, and will then be made available for review on this webpage.

Sun 30 Mar, 11:30am, Chipping Norton
Sun 30 Mar, 4pm, Peakhurst
Thu 3 Apr, 7:30pm, ONLINE
Sun 6 apr, 6:30pm, Peakhurst

The Extraordinary Meeting date has also been set for Thursday 10 April. This will be held at the Peakhurst Site with a Zoom option. Only GRLC Partners will be allowed to vote on the Senior Pastor Profile. Voting will only be available for those attending in-person or who have organised a proxy.

Extraordinary meeting, Thu 10 Apr

23 February 2025

The Church Health Survey to assist with the selection of the Senior Pastor is now available from Sunday 23 February to Sunday 2 March. See the button below to complete the survey online. The congregation will also have the opportunity to complete it together during our services on these Sundays, including paper options for some.

Your input is confidential, and your participation is important to the survey’s success. 

The survey covers 3 main areas: 

  1. Personal demographics and spiritual practices, 
  2. Your view on church activities and outcomes, and 
  3. Your views on the Pastor Profile criteria 

The survey is being externally administered and analysed by the Baptist Association. The data will contribute to the Church Profile and inform the Pastor’s Profile, particularly to identify points for discussion in our later church consultation sessions. In addition, some of the information will be used to assist with church planning and operations. 

The survey report and the data will be returned to us by mid-March. The Church Health section of the report will be available to church Partners and selected candidates for Senior Pastor. The raw data will be managed by the Operations Manager within GRLC’s Privacy Policy. 

The survey is now closed. Thank you for your responses.

16 February 2025

On Sunday, one of the Pastoral Selection Team (PST) representatives shared at each site (Peakhurst AM, Peakhurst PM, and Chipping Norton).

The PST has met 5 times in the last 11 weeks. (To see who is part of the Team, click on the ‘Meet the Pastoral Selection Team (PST)‘ button at the top of the page.) In that time, the focus of their work has been on the three documents described in the Baptist Association’s process:

  • Community Profile – This provides information about the community in our catchment area, including demographic data. The draft of this document will be posted by the end of February on this webpage for comment.
  • Church Profile – This provides a picture of the church to a prospective candidate. It includes details on the church organisation, statistics, ministries, assets,  finances and a spiritual profile. This is being written now with input from the church Staff and the Church Leadership Team (CLT) and will be posted by mid-March on this webpage.
  • Pastor Profile – This is the key document that details what our church needs and wants in its next Senior Pastor. It is more than what our previous Senior Pastor did in the role and has to account for both our current and future needs. The PST has determined the focus areas and high-level criteria for the profile and will make modifications and expand on the details in consultation with the church before seeking their endorsement. The Pastor Profile document will be made available for discussion by the end of March and, if required, the PST will facilitate consultation sessions with the church. When satisfied with its readiness, the Pastor Profile and associated Position Description will be taken to an Extraordinary Church Meeting for endorsement by GRLC Partners.

Church Health Survey:

There will be a church survey conducted to inform both the Church Profile and the Pastor Profile. It will take approximately 15 minutes covering three main areas:

  1. Personal demographic and spiritual practices
  2. Your view on church activities and outcomes
  3. Your views on the Pastor Profile criteria

The Peakhurst PM and Chipping Norton congregations will complete it together on Sunday 23 February. The Peakhurst AM congregation will complete it together on Sunday 2 March. The survey will be available to complete online during the week between Sunday 23 February and Sunday 2 March. The link will be made available on this webpage.


Advertising the role:

Following all of the above, the PST will then begin the process of advertising, screening of applicants, and interviews with the ultimate aim of bringing a recommendation to another Extraordinary Church meeting in July – although the PST has a deep conviction that this is a spiritual challenge that will not be rushed.

28 November 2024

On Thursday, we held our Annual Church Meeting (ACM). Thanks to everyone who attended, listened, and contributed.

At the ACM, the resolution to approve the Senior Pastor Transition Plan was accepted with no further questions, and the Pastoral Selection Team nominations were passed with a majority vote.

17 November 2024

On Sunday, we held two more ‘Conversations with CLT’ Q&A sessions. Thank you to everyone who attended, listened and engaged.

Please see the FAQ section at the bottom of this page.

Pastor Selection Team (PST):

The main item spoken into by the CLT at the Q&A sessions was the Pastor Selection Team (PST).

Please click the buttons to view:

  • the Senior Pastor Transition Plan being voted on by GRLC Partners at the Annual Church Meeting (ACM)
  • the bios of the individuals who have been put forward to join the PST, also being voted on by GRLC Partners at the ACM
  • the position description by which these individuals have been identified as suitable candidates for the PST
Senior Pastor Transition Plan Resolution
Pastor Selection Team Bios
Pastor Selection Team Position Description

Annual Church Meeting (ACM) on Thursday 28 November:

Save the date for our 2024 ACM. This meeting is open to everyone who calls GRLC home, whether at Chipping Norton or at Peakhurst.

GRLC Partners are strongly encouraged to attend.

Please note that whilst the ACM can be watched on Zoom, voting by GRLC Partners is ONLY IN PERSON or via proxy.

The ACM has passed.

If you have any questions in the lead up to the ACM on Thursday 28 November, please email them to the Church Leadership Team (CLT):

[email protected]

3 November 2024

On Sunday, Margaret Thompson (Chair of the Church Leadership Team (CLT)) shared again about Scott Morrison’s decision to step down as GRLC Senior Pastor in 2025 and also summarised the Senior Pastor Transition Plan for the congregation.

Scott also shared again about his decision, his plans for the future, and his prayers for GRLC.

Click the button to read CLT’s update and Plan summary, and see the video to listen to our interview with Scott (this is a podcast over a still image).

Read CLT's update

Following the gatherings, we held our ‘Conversations with CLT’ Q&A sessions. We received great feedback and valuable input from everyone present – thank you!

Please see the FAQ section at the bottom of this page.

At these sessions, CLT also provided more information regarding the Senior Pastor Transition Plan. See the video to hear Jan Reardon (CLT Member) explain the Plan, or click the button to download the PowerPoint (PPT) slides:

Senior Pastor Transition Plan PPT

Q&A sessions with CLT on Sunday 17 November:

We have more opportunities to connect with the CLT and ask questions about the Senior Pastor Transition Plan on Sunday 17 November (at The Life Centre in Peakhurst or via Zoom). These sessions have passed.

If you have any questions in the lead up to the Q&A on Sunday 17 November, please email them to the Church Leadership Team (CLT):

[email protected]

27 October 2024

On Sunday, Scott Morrison shared plans to conclude his role as Senior Pastor at the end of January 2025 after 24 years of faithfully serving our GRLC family.

If you weren’t with us on Sunday, we invite you to watch the 10am live stream. Or CLICK HERE to watch a short pre-recorded announcement video.

You can also read Scott’s announcement and the Church Leadership Team’s (CLT’s) response, below.

Read Scott's announcement
Read CLT's response

Please be praying with us:

Now that we have shared this with everyone, we are inviting all of GRLC to join with us in prayer. God’s will is absolutely vital in all of this (Psalm 127:1). Some things we recommend praying for:

  • Thanking God for Scott and Jodie
  • Asking God for His wisdom to be imparted to all of us as we embark on this process

Q&A sessions with CLT on Sunday 3 November:

We also invite you to join us on Sunday 3 November (at The Life Centre in Peakhurst or via Zoom) for dedicated opportunities to connect with the CLT to ask questions about Scott’s announcement. These sessions have passed.

If you have any questions in the lead up to the Q&A on Sunday 3 November, please email them to the Church Leadership Team (CLT):

[email protected]
Senior Pastor Transition Overview

A great level of detail has been and continues to be worked on by the Church Leadership Team (CLT). The below provides a high-level summary of the Transition Plan as at February 2025.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Please click the ‘+’ at the start of the question to view the answer:

General transition questions:

Will the new Senior Pastor role be a full-time role?

The new Senior Pastor will be advertised as a full-time position.

What are the selection criteria for the new Senior Pastor?

Our new Senior Pastor will be required to be an accredited minister.

The Pastor Selection Team (PST) will work closely with the church congregation to develop a comprehensive Senior Pastor profile. This profile will outline the key expectations, criteria, and qualities we seek in our next Senior Pastor. Applicants for the role will need to demonstrate how they meet these criteria, which will include specific skills, abilities, and strengths aligned with our church’s mission and vision. It will be essential that the new Senior Pastor is firmly aligned with the teachings of Scripture.

GRLC Partners will have the opportunity to review and vote on the proposed profile at an extraordinary meeting scheduled for early 2025.

How will it be advertised?

The role will be advertised internally through church communications such as the weekly church email, as well as more broadly as advised by the Baptist Association.

Who will lead the recruitment process and what is their role?

A Pastor Selection Team (PST) will be formed to oversee this process. They will report directly to the Church Leadership Team (CLT). A Baptist Association representative will also be available to guide and support them through the process. They will be tasked with: 

  1. Developing a Senior Pastor profile and Position Description through a consultative process with the CLT, church staff and congregation. 
  2. Overseeing recruitment processes including advertising the position, assessing applicants against the Profile and conducting interviews. The interviewing panel will be a subset of the PST (to be confirmed when the team is formed). 
  3. Communicating and reporting decisions and updates to the CLT and congregation. 
  4. Recommending a candidate to the CLT who will then bring the nomination to the congregation for a final vote. 

The CLT will nominate representatives for the PST, including three congregational partners (one from each service: Peakhurst AM, Peakhurst PM, and Chipping Norton) and three CLT members. These representatives will be voted on by the GRLC Partners at the Annual Church Meeting (ACM) on Thursday 28 November 2024.

Who can apply for this role?

The Church Leadership Team (CLT) carefully considered several options for selecting the next Senior Pastor, weighing the challenges and opportunities of each. These options can be discussed further if needed. 

The culture at Georges River Life Church has developed a strong and capable staff leadership team, positioning us well for the future and the important task of selecting a new Senior Pastor. Our team has five Accredited Pastors on staff who have grown significantly in their roles and are professionally qualified for the Senior Pastor position, as well as additional Accredited Pastors within our congregation. Choosing an internal applicant would offer continuity and build on the solid foundation of our church’s mission, vision, and culture. 

Initially, the CLT planned to conduct an internal search first, with the option to expand to external applicants if necessary. However, after considering the feedback from the congregation, the CLT has chosen to pursue a process open to both internal and external applicants. This broader approach reflects our commitment to openness and discernment, seeking God’s guidance for the Senior Pastor best suited to lead GRLC in this new season. 

Throughout this process, we will engage with the congregation and the Baptist Association to ensure transparency, collective discernment, and alignment with the vision of our church community.

If we have the leaders, why aren’t we appointing one of them?

We have excellent leaders within our church, and while it might seem natural to appoint one of them now as the Senior Pastor, it does not allow any discernment from the congregation or the potential applicant 

While the Church Leadership Team (CLT) initially intended to pursue an internal search process first before expanding to external applicants (if required), the CLT has listened to the views of its partners and is electing to pursue a process that is open to both internal and external applicants. By expanding the search internally and externally, we are posturing with full openness and discernment to God’s leading and direction as to who the most appropriate Senior Pastor will be for GRLC in this next season. 

We also want to ensure that the entire congregation has a meaningful role in the decision-making process. If we simply appoint a leader without your input, we risk missing out on the valuable insights and perspectives of our church community. This shared leadership and discernment are essential for such an important decision. Therefore, taking our time to engage everyone in this process will ultimately lead us to the best outcome for our church.

What impact will this have on our staff structure?

The current Senior Pastor is employed 2 1/2 days per week. By increasing the Senior Pastor to a full-time position, the Church Leadership Team (CLT) appreciates this will have an impact on our budget. To ensure effective transition and change management, the CLT have included ‘one off’ transition funding costs in the 2025 budget to accommodate for the Senior Pastor and Lead Pastor positions to both be full time between July 2025 and December 2025. If an internal applicant is successful in attaining the Senior Pastor role, these budget allocations will be reviewed. 

The CLT anticipate that a subsequent review of the wider organisational structure for staff at GRLC will need to be undertaken in late 2025 once the successful Senior Pastor has been appointed. This structural review will be undertaken in partnership between the new Senior Pastor and the CLT to identify the optimal structure for delivering on the vision, mission and strategic focus areas of GRLC within the approved operating budget.

When we vote for the Senior Pastor, will we vote for just the CLT’s choice, or we vote for multiple candidates?

The Pastor Selection Team (PST) will be comprised of three congregational GRLC Partners (one from each service: Peakhurst AM, Peakhurst PM, and Chipping Norton) and three Church Leadership Team (CLT) members.

All of these representatives will represent the congregation. Their role will include vetting all candidates against the Senior Pastor Profile that will be developed under consultation with the congregation and conduct both informal and formal interviews.

They will put forward their preferred applicant to CLT who will then call an extraordinary meeting for the congregation to vote on this person. The congregation will receive this information at least two weeks prior the extraordinary meeting. 

Can the congregation nominate someone from the congregation for the PST role?

The Pastor Selection Team (PST) Congregation Representatives have been nominated by the CLT in discussion with the Staff leadership team. Nomination for these congregation representative positions have been based on skillset, spiritual maturity, and positive relational standing within the church family.  Their names will be put forward for voting on by the GRLC Partners at the Annual Church Meeting (ACM) on Thursday 28 November 2024This is the same process for selection for the CLT.

Church operations questions:

What changes will there be to our church’s ministries? Will Life Care continue?

Our guiding principles remain clear: our mission and vision as a church are not changing. Our ministries and our plans will continue to reflect these. Our mission and vision, which have shaped our community for many years, will continue to guide us through this next chapter.

GRLC MISSION: Disciples wholeheartedly loving, living and revealing Jesus.

GRLC VISION: Disciple-making communities growing along the Georges River and beyond revealing the love and life of Jesus for today impacting thousands of lives for eternity.

What changes will there be?

For the most part, there will be very few changes for the congregation. 

An Interim Senior Pastor will not be appointed. Our current organisation structure already has staff reporting to Ben Rusin, the Lead Pastor. Ben will take on many of the Senior Pastor’s duties, with other Senior Pastor activities shared among other team members. To manage Ben’s workload, some of his responsibilities will also be delegated.  

It’s important to note that we are also currently recruiting a new Operations Manager, a role that supports both the Lead Pastor and the new Senior Pastor. The current Operations Manager’s last day is mid-February 2025.  

There will be two Extraordinary Meetings in 2025 that we would ask all congregational members to attend when partners will be asked to vote on Senior Pastor decisions. 

We would also invite you to spend time praying for our church leaders, the Church Leadership Team (CLT), the Pastor Selection Team (PST) and our whole church as God leads us through this time of transition.

Budget & finance questions:

If we are appointing a full-time Senior Pastor, can we afford to still have a full-time lead pastor? Will other roles need to be cut?

The current Senior Pastor is employed 2 1/2 days per week. By increasing the Senior Pastor to a full-time position, the Church Leadership Team (CLT) appreciates this will have an impact on our budget. To ensure effective transition and change management, the CLT have included ‘one off’ transition funding costs in the 2025 budget to accommodate for the Senior Pastor and Lead Pastor positions to both be full time between July 2025 and December 2025. If an internal applicant is successful in attaining the Senior Pastor role, these budget allocations will be reviewed.   

The CLT anticipate that a subsequent review of the wider organisational structure for staff at GRLC will need to be undertaken in late 2025 once the successful Senior Pastor has been appointed. This structural review will be undertaken in partnership between the new Senior Pastor and the CLT to identify the optimal structure for delivering on the vision, mission and strategic focus areas of GRLC within the approved operating budget.

Congregation input and involvement:

What do I need to do?

We know that God will lead us through this time of change, and we need to spend this transition time discerning His will. We would like all congregational members to be involved in this process. 

Importantly, we would ask you to spend time praying for our church leaders, the Church Leadership Team (CLT), the Pastor Selection Team (PST) and our whole church as God leads us through this time of transition. 

As a congregation member you can discuss with your PST Representative if you feel you have something to contribute towards the Senior Pastor’s Profile. 

There will be two extraordinary meetings in 2025 that we would ask all congregational members to attend.  Those who are GRLC Partners will be asked to vote on decisions. Please see the next question for how to become a GRLC Partner. 

We would also ask that when information is sent through about upcoming voting, you take the time to read it and ask questions.

How do I become a partner so I can vote?

Partnership at Georges River Life Church means belonging, engaging, and supporting our mission together. Partners champion our values, build relationships, and actively contribute to our vision.  

As a GRLC Partner, you also have the opportunity to vote on key church decisions, including voting on the Senior Pastor, finances, and church direction. 

While we welcome input from everyone in our congregation, only partners can vote at the Annual Church Meeting (ACM) and Extraordinary Meetings. Becoming a GRLC Partner involves a process, so while it may not be possible before this year’s ACM, there’s still time to join in order to participate in next year’s Extraordinary Meetings. 

Start the Partnership Application process HERE.

What say do I have in who the new Senior Pastor will be?

As part of our constitution, the GRLC Partners are the authority to appoint the new Senior Pastor. 

Section 5(b): “The Senior Minister shall be elected or removed upon a three-fourths 75% majority vote of those present and voting, with a quorum of 50% of the active membership, at a meeting of which two Sundays notice has been given.”  

A Pastor Selection Team (PST) will be formed to oversee this process and will work closely with the congregation and the Baptist Association.  

The Church Leadership Team (CLT) will nominate representatives for the PST, including three congregational partners (one from each service: AM, PM, and Chipping Norton) and three CLT members. GRLC Partners will have an opportunity to vote on these representatives at the Annual Church Meeting (ACM) on Thursday 28 November 2024. 

The PST will create a Senior Pastor Profile, and you will have the opportunity to vote on this profile at an extraordinary meeting in March. 

The PST will go through the recruiting process and recommend a candidate to the CLT, and then you will have the opportunity to vote on this recommendation in approximately July.

What do I do if I have any questions?

We will be offering a few Q&A sessions. Please come to these to ask your questions. 

You can email your questions to us at [email protected] or speak directly with any Church Leadership Team (CLT) member or church leader. 

All communications related to this can be found on this webpage:

How can I contribute to the Senior Pastor profile?

Talk to the representatives on the Pastor Selection Team (PST). Their role is to ensure the congregation’s voice is considered through the process.  

The GRLC Partners will have the opportunity to affirm the Senior Pastor profile at the March Extraordinary Meeting.

I'm still processing Scott’s announcement and am now being asked to turn my attention to succession. Are we moving too quickly?

We acknowledge that you may need time to absorb the news of Scott stepping down, and we’re here to support you. But we also recognise that there are some important next steps to work through including some key milestones and deadlines. 

Please continue to reach out for support.

Senior Pastor questions:

How long will Scott be away from our church?

Scott will commence his long service leave and annual leave in early February.  At the conclusion of his leave, at the end of July, he will officially step down as Senior Pastor of GRLC. 

In regard to his return as a congregational member, the Church Leadership Team (CLT) are still seeking further advice and discernment on this process.  While we recognise Scott is looking to return as a congregational member, it is wise for there to be a settling-in period for the new Senior Pastor without the old Senior Pastor there.  It is important for them to be supported by the church.  This will most likely be decided once the new Senior Pastor has been selected.

Staffing questions:

How are we supporting the staff to cover Scott’s extra responsibilities?

Staff wellbeing is a priority. Our current organisation structure already has staff reporting to Ben Rusin, the Lead Pastor. Ben will take on most of the Senior Pastor’s duties, with some activities shared among other team members. To manage Ben’s workload, some of his responsibilities will also be delegated. 

A list of duties for the Senior Pastor and the Lead Pastor has been collated and will be used in the distribution of duties. Before going on leave in February 2025, Scott’s key tasks and external relationships will be documented. 

Staff roles will be adjusted to cover responsibilities, with Ben continuing to oversee the team as Lead Pastor. The Church Leadership Team (CLT) will work closely with Ben as he oversees the management of staff and church operations at both Peakhurst and Chipping Norton. 

Due to the transitioning of the Senior Pastor, the budget for 2025 will include additional one-off transition related costs. This will be presented at the 2024 Annual Church Meeting (ACM) on Thursday 28 November 2024.

The Operations Manager has just resigned, and there is a change to the youth pastor role. Are these connected with Scott leaving?

There is no connection. 

Both Scott and Katharine have engaged in a robust, and thoughtful process over a significant period of time. Scott and Kath were not even aware that each other were working through a discernment process that led to their decisions. The changes to the Youth Pastor role were set in motion back at the end of 2023 and has been the communicated plan to the youth coordinators and broader youth team all throughout 2024.  

The timing of all 3 is simply coincidental.  

Although the timing is not ideal from a practical point of view, we can confidently assure the GRLC Partners and church congregation there is no underlying issues behind the timing of these changes. We continue to trust God is working in the midst of all of these changes and take confidence that he is leading us forward.

Staff are already working at 100%. In the interim, how do we ensure staff are not overworked or pushed further?

Our current organisation structure already has staff reporting to Ben Rusin, our Lead Pastor. 

Prior to Scott’s leave in February 2025, a comprehensive list of responsibilities for both the Senior Pastor and Lead Pastor will be collated to guide the distribution of duties. Additionally, Scott’s key tasks and external relationships will be documented.  

Ben will continue to oversee the team as Lead Pastor but will take on a number of the Senior Pastor’s responsibilities. There will be a need for some other Senior Pastor duties and some of Ben’s existing Lead Pastor responsibilities to be shared with or delegated to other team members. The Church Leadership Team (CLT) will work closely with Ben as he oversees staff management, church operations at both Peakhurst and Chipping Norton, and the redistribution of duties across the team. During the interim period, it may be necessary to review Staff activities and tasks and consider which specific tasks or activities could be paused or discontinued. 

A budget for 2025, which includes additional one-off transition-related costs, will be presented at the Annual Church Meeting (ACM) on Thursday 28 November 2024. 

We acknowledge that this may cause some strain on the current staff. But it’s also important to note that we are a large church. As a church, we encourage our congregation to ‘step into’ the gaps over the next twelve months (and beyond). We believe God is calling us to a time of stretching and unity.

Stage 1

Letting go of what was

This can be an emotional time for some. Feelings of loss and sadness, anxiety, shock, denial, anger or blame may arise. Spend time thinking through the following:

  • Admit change has occurred
  • Acknowledge and experience your emotions
  • Honour and grieve what was lost
  • Remember how you’ve gotten through change before
  • Remember God’s faithfulness
  • Name what is positive, what could be gained
  • Stay connected, and seek support if needed

Stage 2

Living in the neutral zone

Realise uncertainty is an important stage between an ending and a new beginning. Different feelings may include uncertainty, confusion, disorientation, disengagement, skepticism, or a sense of exploration as you reorient to new ways. Tips to navigate the neutral zone:

  • Don’t expect to know everything just yet
  • Question, wonder, seek direction & possibility
  • Talk to positive others, and seek support
  • Set short term, small goals to move ahead
  • Focus on the things you can do, not the ones you cannot do
  • Connect to your deep values, not the way that things are done
  • Give thanks to God in all things

Stage 3

Embracing the new

This is a time for adjustment and acceptance, learning and hope. In order to engage with and commit to the new way, spend time to:

  • Develop your knowledge and skills.
  • Play your part
  • Celebrate successes with others
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