Practicing being disciples
We become more aware of how good God and His Kingdom are by being more intentional in our daily lives…
‘Reflections’ practice
WHAT? In a similar way to ‘See, Think Feel’, spend some time intentionally noticing the world around you (including people). Where do you see reflections of God’s kingdom? It might be when you see a parent tenderly caring for their child; it could be a selfless act of kindness; something you notice in nature; even a piece of artwork or music…
HOW? A journal or notebook is a great way to become more intentional by writing down what you notice and reflecting on the impact of the practice. Another way to do this is to keep a photo journal – perhaps you can take photos of what you see (be careful not to photograph people without their consent), or take photos of things that remind you of what you saw.
WHY? When we observe these things, they are meant to point us to something and someone else – God and his Kingdom!