1. Why Justice? What Justice?
This message and ‘Living It Out’ is about the exploration of what justice is to us as Jesus’ disciple; why it is so central to our discipleship (it’s always been at the centre of God’s character); and how it needs to come from seeing, thinking and feeling like Jesus, not to just ‘do more’.

2. A whole-hearted, both/and kind of life
This message and ‘Living It Out’ invites us to dive into Isaiah 58 and explore the relationship between devotion, worship and justice, asking the question: Can we worship God without being people who do justice?

3. The Opposite of Love is Indifference
This message and ‘Living It Out’ explores Luke 10 and how this chapter can empower us to start seeing people as Jesus does – so we can come alongside our neighbours and take the next step with them.

4. River of Justice
This message and ‘Living It Out’ is led by Marbuen Diaz, who brings his knowledge and experience from his work at Baptist World Aid and how that will encourage us as we continues our Justice Reset series.

5. Communities of Justice
This fortnight Scott shares on how social justice moves from pious idealism to earthy reality. In this sermon, Scott examines Philippians 2 and focuses us on how the mind sets and motivations that grow authentic Christian community, also produce authentic expressions of doing justice. And, that Jesus’ life and death are both our ‘why’ and our ‘how’ of Christian social justice.