Make a one-off donation to our General Appeal.
For Direct Deposit to our bank account:
Name: Georges River Life Care
BSB: 704-922 Account
Number: 100015298
Please note as General Donation / Christmas Appeal / other so we can allocate your gift accordingly.
All donations to this bank account are tax deductible. So that we can send you a notification of your tax-deductible gift, please email a copy of the electronic transfer details to [email protected]
PayPal Giving
Donate via PayPal Giving
Sign up to make a regular monthly contribution to Life Care.
You can nominate an amount that can be deducted directly from your credit card via the Giveway Portal
Workplace Giving
Workplace giving allows you to give to Life Care as a pre-tax donation, directly from your pay, while you work. It’s easy, it’s effective and it delivers efficient and much-needed funding to our charity. Some employers also match your donation, increasing your donation and meeting their own corporate and social giving goals. To find out if your employer is eligible or to find out more email us at [email protected]
What your contribution will do

would provide a family in need with fruit and vegetables, pasta, rice, hygiene items and essential groceries.

a month would help support a child to receive music or dance lessons that they could not normally afford.

a month would assist us to provide an appointment for a family to receive free legal advice.
Corporate Partnerships
At Life Care we believe that two are better than one! There is nothing more rewarding than working alongside organisations in the community to do more for our locals in need.
Life Care has a variety of ways you can partner with us to help our community, We would also love to hear about ways we can work with you and the amazing work you are already doing.
Pictured right: Our friends at Club Rivers supplying and packing items for food hampers

For information about becoming a corporate partner email [email protected]
Georges River Life Centre
23 Stanley St, Peakhurst 2210
p. 02 9153 6300
e. [email protected]