Good Friday 18 April, 10am @ Peakhurst

Easter Sunday 20 April, 10am @ Peakhurst & Chipping Norton


A garden, a cross, a grave…

Could it be, there is a HOPE that triumphs over despair?
A LIFE that triumphs over death?
A LOVE wide enough for the whole world?

In the midst of everything,
there is ONE who sees and knows,
who doesn’t look away


to new life, freedom and flourishing!

Everyone is welcome to our Peakhurst site @ 10am

On Friday 18 April our Peakhurst congregation, Chipping Norton congregation, friends and family are invited to come together at our Peakhurst site:

23 Stanley Street, Peakhurst

The service will include an Easter River Kids program. The service will also be livestreamed.
Afterwards, we welcome you to stay for a light morning tea.
Add it to your calendar and invite your friends:
10am gathering + River Kids + live stream

Peakhurst @ 10am

On Sunday 20 April, our Peakhurst congregation, their friends and families, and the wider community are invited to join us at the Georges River Life Centre:

23 Stanley Street, Peakhurst

The service will include an Easter River Kids program.
The service will also be livestreamed.
Afterwards, we welcome you to stay for coffee and hot cross buns.
Add it to your calendar and invite your friends:
10am gathering + River Kids + live stream

Chipping Norton @ 10am

On Sunday 20 April, our Chipping Norton congregation, their friends and families, and the wider community are invited to join us at Nuwarra Public School:

McKay Avenue, Moorebank

And to continue the celebration, we welcome you to stay for lunch from 12pm-midday including an easter egg hunt for the kids!
Hampers will also be available for our Life Care Community Connect contacts.
Add it to your calendar and invite your friends:
10am gathering + easter egg hunt

Help us share the Good News!

The reality of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection is too good to keep quiet. Invite your family and friends to our gatherings.

Click on the images to download an image you can share in your socials or via SMS and A5 PDFs to print and share with your friends:

Simple ‘Easter at GRLC’ social square

Peakhurst Easter gatherings social square

Chipping Norton Easter gathering social square

Peakhurst Easter A5 PDF

Chipping Norton A5 PDF

Was there something that spoke to you during one of our Easter services? We would love to hear from you and keep in contact.
We encourage you to subscribe to our weekly email.
We would also love to welcome you to one of our services or Alpha courses.
Subscribe to GRLC Weekly Email

You are invited every Sunday at 10am and 5pm at The Life Centre (23 Stanely Street, Peakhurst)

We love spending our time together singing worship to God, hearing a Bible-based teaching, praying, and sharing a meal (morning tea after 10am and dinner after 5pm)

Click to see what’s happening at GRLC Peakhurst…

GRLC Peakhurst Instagram
GRLC Peakhurst Facebook

You are invited every Sunday at 10am at Nuwarra Public School (McKay Avenue, Moorebank)

We love spending our time together singing worship to God, hearing a Bible-based teaching, praying, and sharing a meal (fortnightly lunch)

Click to see what’s happening at GRLC Chipping Norton…

GRLC Chipping Norton Instagram
GRLC Chipping Norton Facebook

Alpha is a series of interactive sessions that explore life faith and meaning.

In a small group, we will watch a video in the Alpha series, discuss questions, and provide opportunity to ask all the questions (probably over food!)

Click to contact Matt Gray (Site Pastor) for more information…

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